Please click the link below to download the SOILMAP remote desktop tool.
DOWNLOAD SOILMAP Remote Desktop Tool
For help & support contact: [email protected] or individually at:
Wade Broom 515-570-5907 [email protected]
Laura Thilges 515-955-9016 [email protected]
Shawnee Webb 515-955-9016 [email protected]
Download these important documents for your records and future reference:
- Citrix Receiver for SOILMAP version 7 (April 2014 Update)
- ReceiverCleanupUtility
- SOILMAP Data Transfer Request Form
- SOILMAP software installation instructions for PC
- Data Import Charge
- Unable to load SOILMAP
- Dispatch Troubleshooting
- Dispatch Login Form
- Citrix Receiver for large monitor (small cursor issue)
FAQ What do I need to install to load SOILMAP? It’s simple, all you need is Citrix and a Certificate. Both can be downloaded from here: DOWNLOADS
I am running Windows 8 and get an error when trying to load SOILMAP Load the registry editor by pressing CTRL + R Edit – Find Delete the following: “AllowHotKey” “URLRedirection” “ClientHostedApps”
Why does this plant food on blend sheet not always match the calculate blend sheet screen?? This is because of rounding, on the blend sheet it rounds to the nearest whole number.
How do I pull up the grower information in SOILMAP, if I don’t know it? Select the “Zoom To” button, click on the farm, the farm information will then auto load for you.
I have soil samples that are within 4 years old, but there is no parent rec for me to choose, what do I do? In the rare instance that this does occur, simply set a primary yield driver. This process will update SOILMAP and a parent farm rec will be available for you to choose.
Why are there different colored soil samples? Grey means it has been pulled, but we are waiting for the lab. Green=Current Year, Yellow=1 Year Old, Orange=2 Years old, Red=3 Years old, Black=Older than four years.
How do I download a book from SOILMAP? In the tree, under the Books dropdown, double click the Book. You will then be presented with a save location option. You will want to select the C$ option to access your local PC. A video of this can be found in the videos section.
When I add new customer information, when will it show up? The Customer File is updated once a day, typically around 6:00 a.m. So if you add a new customer on January 15 at 3:00 p.m., that information will not be available in SOILMAP until the morning of January 16.
How are Ranco Factors Figured? Generally you take 1,000 divided by the Number. Example where UREA is 1050 RPM’s. 1000/1050 = .9524
I added a new chemical/ fertilizer. Why is it not showing up in SOILMAP? Unlike the Customer File, Chemical/Fertilizer files are updated around every 15 minutes. If the new information is not displayed, you may need to verify that they are priced.
Why doesn’t the load sheet match the book? The load sheet is in pounds of material while the book is in pounds of actual. Also, the load sheet will display nutrient constraints. Essentially, the load sheet is more accurate.
Why do some farms show up as blue? This is because in Control they are marked as no credit.
Why do I get an error message when trying to move a product up or down the chemical mix order ? This happens when a product is no longer priced and becomes de-activated. This will be fixed in a future build of SOILMAP
Unable to Connect to SOILMAP related to Proxy Server If you see the following error message when trying to connect to SOILMAP. You are more than likely trying to connect and are behind a proxy server. You will want to contact your IT about allowing the SOILMAP address into your proxy server. As a temporary workaround you can disable it by going to Internet Options – Connections – LAN Settings – Automatically Detect Settings
When I go to print, my printer does not show? In the event that this happens, try restarting SOILMAP. Generally that resolves the issue.
How is the Mix Order defined? On the blend sheet under the products per batch section, the mix order will go Fertilizer – Water – Chemical – Service. You can also further define the product mix order by accessing that section in SOILMAP. For example if product A is set as #4 and product B is listed as #2, product B will be ahead of product A on the blend sheet.
When does crop rollover occur and what exactly happens? Crop rollover occurs on September 1. At that time, Future becomes Current, Current becomes Past and the new Future becomes Unassigned
I am using SOILMAP and also a CONTROL customer for Accounting, my work orders are not showing in CONTROL? You may need to check with CONTROL and look at the FTP site setup. Can you access this? Is the root directory populated?
What does Minimum Non-Zero, Forced Minimum do? Minimum Non-Zero is a machine constraint. For instance, a certain machine put on 0, or 75 lbs/acre, just fine but “pulses” and mis-applies” in-between. So this number, set to 75 will raise the rate to 75 where it is less than 75, unless the rate is zero. At zero rate, it will not apply. Forced Minimum, set to 75 would raise the rate to 75 everywhere that it is less than 75, including the areas that would not call for product. 0 rate would then equal 75.
I receive an error message just after creating a VRT Recommendation? If this occurs, it means your thematic legend range is too low. Example= The range is only set to 500 lbs but your product rec is putting on 525 lbs. The recommendation will still be correct, and the output file will be as desired, but the MAP is not colored completely. Simply contact SOILMAP and we will fix this issue for you.
Case IH Pro 700 for NH3 The output files for a NH3 VRT rec are in lbs of actual N. If the grower has a CASE IH Pro 700 and is connected to a Raven controller. That means the files would be exported as shape files, imported into SMS, and saved as a CN1 file. The units remain in lbs of actual n. The files is then transferred via data card to USB to the Pro 700 which then sends the data through the Raven. There is “Calibrator Factor” on the Raven that covers (lbs of actual N -> lbs of Product (NH3). This means the Raven settings must be set correctly so the conversion happends and the farm doesn’t under apply NH3.
How do I add a new billing term? The billing terms setup is at: Company Database -> Control 4.1 -> Setup Billing terms.
How do I add a new Formulation Type? This can be added by SOILMAP under the Admin tools. Please tell us name and number for new formulation type.
How do I convert ECCE to ENM? Multiply the total by 800, divide by ENM Value and divide again by 2,000. Example 3,015 x 800 = 2,412,000 / 363 = 6,644 / 2,000 = 3.3 tons
What is the current cost for Imagery? 1 meter –$2.05 / acre per date 50cm –$2.25 /acre per date 25cm –$2.80 /acre per date Currently there are no minimums in Iowa, Eastern Nebraska, Southern MN, Illinois, Southern Michigan, Ohio and Western Kentucky from June 1 to Sept 30, 2015
What is the difference between the blend button and the fertilizer button when creating a blendsheet? The “fertilizer” button figures amounts in material pounds. The “blend” button figures amounts in actual units. The “blend” button is normally used if the user wants to define “pounds of actual” sometimes called “plant food”
Selection is not compatible with blend type Message This message is often found with trying to add a Fertilizer product to a Post or Pre Blend Sheet. Fertilizers are not allowed under the Water Blend Sheets and you must use either Fertilizer Blend or VRT for this to work.
Blendsheet Calculation Error Let’s use the product 12-40-0-10-1 Micro SZ as an example. Using the blend option I select this product for my ZN and put on 12 lbs. This would be incorrect, you are trying to put on 12 lbs. of actual Zinc with a product that is only 1% Zinc. That answer would be 1,200. You are wanting to put on 12 lbs. of product so you should select the Fertilizer button or type in .12lbs of actual.
Exporting to Automated Blender Error If you are in the Automated Blenders Application and press the Export button and receive the below error, this generally means that FTP from that IP address is being blocked. We will need to contact the FTP provider in this case and give them the new IP address.
I receive the following error when trying to launch SOILMAP To fix this do the following: – Run START/Run/regedit and open the Windows registry editor. – Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry key. Check to see if the registry key ClientHostedApps exists; remove it if present. – for 32-Bit System: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Virtual Channels\Control – for 64-Bit System: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Virtual Channels\Control – Navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key and check to see if the registry key ClientHostedApps exists; remove it if present. – Restart or reconnect your Citrix Receiver Icon to refresh applications
How do you change Ranco Factors? For newer blenders you can use DRY BATCH blender type – this is refereed to as “declining weight system” The older Rancos need to use DRY RANCO blender type. Until you have the calibrated Ranco settings we suggest having the leg tons/hour set at 100 and the max pump speed set at 400 rpm.
How can you use a shapefile to create a spread file for a John Deere? The JD Greenstar export would work but you are then limited to 1 field per card on a thumbstick so using a shapefile as an alternative would work. Create an Rx Folder and place the SHP file inside of that. The applicator will have to assgin the product to the correct column’s and the unit of measure (lbs, gallons, oz, etc.) and rate of product or rate of nutrient during the import.
I am receiving the below error message when trying to Sync my data with the crop scouting app, how do I fix this? This is because your iPad is going to sleep. While in a sleep state it cannot transfer data. Make this setting change and that should resolve the issue. From the iPad go to Settings – General – Auto Lock – change this to Never.
Here is some information on controller formats and setup of controller files: Falcon Controller: On USB stick: Create folder with the MAPScode In MAPScode folder place the Falcon spread files within As-applied data will be written to the folder which the spread files are loaded from, so as-applied will be in the individual MAPScode folders. As-applied files are *.rpt files Spread files are *.tif files DO NOT place multiple *.tif files into the same directory or folder location for multiple fields. The Falcon will load all *.tif files that are located within the same folder, if you place 2 fields in the same folder, an error message will appear something about field boundaries do not match! For Falcon VT -Extension – Multi File system, creates ―”TaskData” folder Unique for each field containing a GRD00000.bin / TaskData.xml / tc.xls files -Boundary – is required to be turned on and selected from the drop down list -Assign each map to its appropriate product -Output resolution – normally set to 8 meters Note-this is raster based prescription map -Select Publisher – ATS Task Controller Publisher -Browse – Save the file back into the ―Field‖ folder location Raven Viper Controller: On USB stick: Place all files into the Rxmaps sub folder on the root of the USB drive SHP file format is the expected file format for Rx files Rbin sub folder is where as-applied data is stored for the Viper Pro controller John Deere 2600 and 2630 Controller: On USB Stick: Place all files into the Rx folder on the root of the USB drive SHP file format is the most efficient file format for Rx files When using SHP Rx file formats, the operator must answer the questions about lbs. of product or lbs of nutrients, MAKE sure all Applicators understand this question, this is a critical step in loading SHP Rx files for Raven Viper and JD controller. Documentation to download: Viper_Pro_II_File_Maintenance VPRO_QSG_Map_upload John_Deere_PFP11743_2630_userguide
When I click on the SOILMAP icon, SOILMAP does not load Part 1: You may need to change the program associated with launching SOILMAP. Start – Control Panel – Default Programs – Associate a file type or protocol with a program – Look for .ICA and change program to below:
When I click on the SOILMAP icon, SOILMAP does not load Part 2: For firefox users you can try this. Top right corner and select Options – Applications – Citrix ICA Client – Needs to be set as below:
What are some general rules for split groups from accounting side to SOILMAP?: After a split group has been created if you add another individual into the split group the additional name is updated in SOILMAP. SOILMAP does not track split group %’s so any change there will not affect SOILMAP.
With the accounting integration that SOILMAP offers, what are some ways to receive data from accounting? • No orders – This option is in place for those customers using manual entry for accounts, splits and products • Orders file pick up from FTP – non Control customers • Enhanced Orders file pick up form FTP – Control customers • Web Services
Example files that are generated for a Murrary blender can be found belowP? Created by SOILMAPSENT Return from Murray RETURN
Setup display directions for a Case IH Pro 700? From SMS I am a CONTROL customer and I have a product in accounting but it does not come over to SOILMAP? Is this product marked as AgPlan and is it Priced?
Okay, I have a product that is coming over to SOILMAP and now I want it removed? Mark this as nothing and it will not come over to SOILMAP.
I am a CONTROL customer and i’m not seeing updated split information? If a customer is not marked in Control as a SOILMAP customer, subordinate information like Split Groups, Sales Tickets… are not sent. Then once the customer is marked as a SOILMAP customer, it does not automatically trigger all subordinates to be sent. Thus in this case, a change would need to be made to the Split Group in Control after the SOILMAP designation in order to trigger now the Split Group to be sent to SOILMAP.
I am a AgVantage customer and I have products priced but they are not appearing priced in SOILMAP This can occur if you do a blanket location pricing in AgVantage, please check to verify all locations have pricing for product. Okay, I have a customer in AgVantage but this is not showing in SOILMAP? You need to make a change in the customer master file, any change will force that to come over to SOILMAP. To check that the web service is running click on this lin –
Why does the grade not always match the actual perfectly? This is because of decimal point rounding. The GRADE (red) times the POUNDS/ACRE should match the Actual. You are putting on 101.17187496 pounds/ acres. So for N: 27.68 / 100 * 101.17187496 = 28.004374988.
Here is more information on Ranco Blender setup in SOILMAP: The Ton/Hour for the leg will limit the rpm’s of the augers in that scenario. For example if three bins at 805 rpm at a certain density/ Ranco factor equates to 150 ton per hour that’s what they would get limited to. The Ton/Hour for the leg assumes standard product which I believe was 68 lbs./ft3. In a non-Declining Weight System we are calculating the auger settings but limiting to leg capacity if necessary. In a declining weight system we treat it exactly like a scale stop system and don’t worry about it.
With batch blenders does SOILMAP limit quantities based on both total cubic footage on lighter density product and total weight when it comes to denser products? Question – So in other words let’s use a 250 cu. ft. blender with a load limit of 5 ton Mixing 50 lb./cu. ft. dense product. It would automatically limit the batch size to 5.0 ton because of both volume and total weight? Opposite scenario where as we are blending a denser blend of p&k @ 65 lb./cu. ft.. It would automatically go to 5 ton load limit because the product has no issue with fitting volume wise? Answer -Yes behind the scenes we calculate the estimated density of the product. Then determine total cubic feet and total pounds. The most limiting one is then used. Otherwise we would over flow trucks with light “fluffy” products like Urea.
How can you setup Kahler to auto complete when an order % is completed?
How can you mark just one order complete?
I am getting the following message when trying to send a blendsheet to accounting:
You will need to change the override description setting in the inventory master to fix this:
I am getting the following message from Kahler: Error: No default bulk product interface setting found for Interface: Tm2SoilmapWsInterface and Bulk Product: MAP This is because your cross reference is not setup. Simply make this change:
Loss of GPS while using SOILMAP Modem. Here are some useful notes put together by customer. MEMO Loss of GPS with SOILMAP 11122019
I’m having problems with the External Data upload out of Soilmap. My machine is not seeing all of the files. Typically this is related to the way you uploaded the files. Were all the products included in the RX folder? Were only half of them included? You can view your field in the JD Operations Center under the file button.
I am getting an error trying to send spread files to the Ag Bridge? Typically this is related to storage on the Ag Bride cloud. Per Ag Bridge they would need to manage the as-applied data coming from the field and remove older files. The quota from Ag Bridge should be 1G per machine. We recommend that after each season they remove the as-applied data from their machine folders. This can be done via the web page or their sync client