Data Processing Services
The SOILMAP team will input your soil sampling information into the SOILMAP system. Once completed, you will receive a Grid Sampling Book that describes the various nutrient levels throughout a particular field as well as a three-tiered menu of recommendations from your agronomic experts on building and maintaining specific nutrient levels.
The starting point of an intensive nutrient management plan is a quality soil test. In addition to obtaining quality soil cores throughout a field, a boundary for that field must be established. We import soil sample and boundary information into SOILMAP to create a database for the fields and farms of each grower. If a field boundary isn’t driven you can also use FSA or use our Geography tool to draw the boundary. The Geography tool includes an edit feature that will allow a producer to be more accurate and effective. We use high resolution satellite imagery to provide the best possible geographical mapping capabilities.
Data Analysis
SOILMAP allows you to convert a considerable amount of information into a strategy for optimizing the productive capability of every parcel of your operation. While producing yields of 200-plus bushels to the acre may depend on factors over which you have no control, there are other areas where you do. Gone are the days of dumping the same amount of product everywhere. Using SOILMAP software, you can visually see the lower fertility areas of your fields and can commence with your operation’s equation.
An example of a possible VR Nitrogen equation could be:
((Corn yield*1.10)-(OM Measured-4)*8)-(legume credit 40)
Corn yield= 200
OM= 3
Legume Credit= 40
lbs N an acre =188
Note – The VR formulas in SOILMAP will be more complex than this.
Printing Services
Because we have a production printer for creating our Grid Sampling Books, we are able to provide other print services at a much more affordable rate than you would receive with retail printing businesses.